
photo of cindy from plananotherday by Savannah Scott Photography, Oregon family photographer

a new year resolution – 2024

i started this year with no idea that i would find my way back to art. my new year resolution for 2023 was to listen to my own needs. no longer would i burn myself out to keep others afloat. i would rest when I needed it, ask for help without shame, and acknowledge and accommodate my struggles rather than hide them. in january, i started with a neurodivergent aware therapist. in january, i began working with an hEDS aware pilates studio and instructor. i slowed down tremendously this year, purposefully. things have been extremely difficult for myself and those…

stack of journals and notebooks

Getting an Autism Diagnosis in Adulthood

2020 was a lot. So many things have happened, it’s been hard to keep from sinking. With everything that’s transpired, one thing, above all, has been life changing. I received an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis. At 30 years old, I finally have understanding into my entire life experience thus far. What does Autism mean? I must admit, my prior view of autism was extremely limited and ableist. There were people, mostly boys, who were clearly autistic, stereotypically so, and I wouldn’t have put myself into the same category as them. I blame this narrow view on societal prejudices and media…