
close up of 2020 bullet journal future log

New Year, Same Bullet Journal

A quick note: this post was mostly written in early 2020. I never had the chance to post it then, between personal struggles and the start of the covid19 pandemic. But the information is good, and I want it to live here for those who are debating continuing in the same journal or starting a new one. As the new year started I had to make a decision: do I start a new bullet journal or continue in my 2019 notebook? Ultimately, I decided sticking with the same bullet journal was the right choice for me. But there were many…

close up of two page weekly bullet journal spread for week of january 4th, 2019 showcasing a column layout and a sticker of a girl in a hat holding an orange cat.

Bullet Journal Recap – An Honest Look at 2019

I’m going to be completely transparent as I recap my 2019 bullet journal. I say this, because 2019 was not my most productive year in terms of bullet journaling and blogging. Most of my energy went into making a new person. But even with a scaled back journal, I feel I’ve learned new things this year that I hope you’ll be able to take something away from. In 2019, I took major breaks from my bullet journal. Pregnancy was very difficult for me. I slept through most of February and March, had to stick to a strict gestational diabetes eating…

Taking a break from your bullet journal is sometimes the best way to use it.

Taking a Break from your Bullet Journal

There are many articles to be found across the internet on how to best use your bullet journal full of great advice. One of the topics I haven’t seen mentioned a whole lot, is how great bullet journaling can be for when you don’t have anything to add to it. Now, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling like a bullet journaling failure when you don’t keep up with it for a day, or a week, or even a whole month or more. I’ve personally fallen into that trap over and over again. But I think it’s time…

Planning 2018 – Future Log Ideas

Planning 2018 – Future Log Ideas

With 2018 quickly approaching, now seems like a great time to start planning out my bullet journal for 2018. I’ve decided to start with the feature that has been at the front of my journal since I started my very first journal: the Future Log. Future Logs are an important feature of bullet journaling, since they allow you to keep track of events, tasks, and deadlines that are too far in the future for your current layouts to capture. There are unlimited options, when it comes to bullet journaling layouts, and future logs are no exception, but it is vital…

bullet journal supplies leuchtturm1917 dotted tombow abt dual brush pen ruler marvy le pen drawing pen

Bullet Journal Supplies

Bullet journaling is a great way to keep yourself organized, but it can be a little daunting to see all the options you have when it comes to supplies. There is a seemingly endless supply of pens and notebooks and stickers to try, and no one has the time or money to give them all a go. I thought it would be helpful to post an updated roundup of the bullet journal supplies I know and love.   The Basics If I had to pick my must have items, which I use to create 90% of my journal, it would…

Wedding Planning – Getting Started

Wedding Planning – Getting Started

The last few months have been a bit of a whirlwind for me. So many changes in such a short amount of time. My favorite change of them all? An engagement (beach, stars, very romantic) to my best friend and partner in life (soon to be for the rest of my life!). With an engagement comes the planning of a wedding, and since I’m all about planning, I didn’t waste my time diving in. But since I’ve never planned a wedding before, I needed to figure out where to start. There are so many free resources online, but they all…

Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done

What good is a plan if it is never executed? I find myself regularly pondering this question, as I, a chronic planner, often fail to execute. I love making a plan. I’m good at making a plan and doing the research and getting all my proverbial ducks in a row. I have so many ideas, lists and spreadsheets and notebooks full of them, all laid out and ready for action. But the action seldom comes. And once inaction has taken hold, it gets more and more difficult to switch back to action mode. It’s a tricky spiral to get out…

Travel Journal Packing List
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Travel Journal Packing List

Most often when I travel, my bullet journal is on my list of must-takes. It’s where I keep my itinerary and notes on reservations and flights, just in case something happens to my phone and I can’t access these things electronically. When I started working through my packing list and making sure I knew what I was taking on our vacation to Hawaii, my bullet journal seemed an natural choice to take. But I gave a second thought to bringing my whole bullet journal with me when I remembered I’d purchased a sharp little journal from YesStyle with “bon voyage”…

bullet journal quotes

Quotes for your Bullet Journal

One of my favorite things to add to my bullet journal are quotes that inspire me. I’ve put together a little collection of my favorite quotes that work well for bullet journaling or just for everyday motivation. I hope you find some on this list that speak to you, and if you have a favorite quote, I’d love to know what it is. Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. – Og Mandino What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. – Ralph Marston Very little is needed to make a happy life; it…

Having a practice bullet journal allows you to try things about before committing, like in this monthly calendar layout.

Bullet Journal – Practice Journal

One of the reasons bullet journaling is such a great system, is it gives you the ability to customize and change your journaling style at any time to fit your current needs. While this is a huge plus if your schedule is always changing or you get bored easily, trying new things can lead to mistakes. For us perfectionists, it can be a bit nerve racking, at times even paralyzing, to do something untested with no assurance the outcome will be as expected. This is where my practice journal comes in. Whether you call it a practice journal, a test…

bullet journal at work

Bullet Journal for Work

Towards the end of last year I started a new job. After months of developing my bullet journal skills for my personal life, I couldn’t imagine trying to switch back to a regular day planner for work. Being the newbie, I was hesitant to ask for a Leuchtturm1917 right off the bat, so I decided to just bite the bullet (lol, bujo puns) and buy one out of my own pocket. I took it as an investment because I knew I would be able to keep track of all the new things I had to learn going in, making me…

One Year of Bullet Journaling - Weekly Layout vs. Daily Layout

1 Year of Bullet Journaling

The start of March marks my 1 year anniversary with my bullet journal. While I’ve been using a planner in some capacity for over half my life, I always struggled to make each planning system work just right for me. Bullet Journaling was a whole new ball game. I took a risk, spending $20 on a Leuchtturm1917 A5 Dotted Hardcover notebook, which really wasn’t any more or less than I would have spent on a regular planner, and decided to give this interesting system a try. I’ll be honest, the first few weeks I used it I wasn’t sure it…

Bullet Journal – Reading List

All my life my love of books has helped define me. As a kid I was more likely to have my nose in a book than sitting in front of the tv. In high school I checked out what felt like half the books in the fiction section. I love a good story, the feel of pages in my hands, getting so immersed in what I’m reading that I lose track of where I am and how much time has passed. All that, and yet looking back, I maybe read a handful of books in all of 2016. What happened?…

Bullet Journal – October to November

A new video walk-through of my bullet journal! I’ve been playing with my camera and editing programs for a while trying to get a video out. It’s been a whole new learning curve for me. I know I have room for improvement, but you are never perfect when you first start learning, right? Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little look at my bullet journal. I go into a little more detail on what did and didn’t work for me in October below. October was the first month I used this layout and I love it. I see myself using…

60+ Bullet Journal Entry Ideas

Bullet Journal Entry Ideas

Bullet Journaling is great because it gives you the flexibility to truly make your planner your own. So many things can be added to a journal other than your standard daily task tracking entries. Because there are so many options, I’ve put together a list of ideas that I either already have in my journal or am interested in adding. Is there something here that you are interested in trying out in your bullet journal? Do you have any ideas that you would add to this list? I’d love to know!