Project Planning

Wedding Planning – Getting Started

Wedding Planning – Getting Started

The last few months have been a bit of a whirlwind for me. So many changes in such a short amount of time. My favorite change of them all? An engagement (beach, stars, very romantic) to my best friend and partner in life (soon to be for the rest of my life!). With an engagement comes the planning of a wedding, and since I’m all about planning, I didn’t waste my time diving in. But since I’ve never planned a wedding before, I needed to figure out where to start. There are so many free resources online, but they all…

Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done

What good is a plan if it is never executed? I find myself regularly pondering this question, as I, a chronic planner, often fail to execute. I love making a plan. I’m good at making a plan and doing the research and getting all my proverbial ducks in a row. I have so many ideas, lists and spreadsheets and notebooks full of them, all laid out and ready for action. But the action seldom comes. And once inaction has taken hold, it gets more and more difficult to switch back to action mode. It’s a tricky spiral to get out…

Travel Journal Packing List
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Travel Journal Packing List

Most often when I travel, my bullet journal is on my list of must-takes. It’s where I keep my itinerary and notes on reservations and flights, just in case something happens to my phone and I can’t access these things electronically. When I started working through my packing list and making sure I knew what I was taking on our vacation to Hawaii, my bullet journal seemed an natural choice to take. But I gave a second thought to bringing my whole bullet journal with me when I remembered I’d purchased a sharp little journal from YesStyle with “bon voyage”…