Health + Wellness

a new year resolution – 2024

a new year resolution – 2024

i started this year with no idea that i would find my way back to art. my new year resolution for 2023 was to listen to my own needs. no longer would i burn myself out to keep others afloat. i would rest when I needed it, ask for help without shame, and acknowledge and accommodate my struggles rather than hide them. in january, i started with a neurodivergent aware therapist. in january, i began working with an hEDS aware pilates studio and instructor. i slowed down tremendously this year, purposefully. things have been extremely difficult for myself and those…


Whole30 Wrap-Up

At the end of June I made the decision to start the Whole30, a challenge that I knew wasn’t to be taken lightly. Whole30 is a temporary exclusion diet meant to reset your system by removing any foods that have the potential to cause inflammation or any other negative effects, so that when you reintroduce those foods you have a better understanding of what your body doesn’t agree with. I’ll be honest, my motivation wasn’t so much about figuring out what wasn’t agreeing with me as it was doing a sugar-reset. I had been in the habit of eating lots…