
Bullet Journal – Practice Journal
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Bullet Journal – Practice Journal

One of the reasons bullet journaling is such a great system, is it gives you the ability to customize and change your journaling style at any time to fit your current needs. While this is a huge plus if your schedule is always changing or you get bored easily, trying new things can lead to mistakes. For us perfectionists, it can be a bit nerve racking, at times even paralyzing, to do something untested with no assurance the outcome will be as expected. This is where my practice journal comes in. Whether you call it a practice journal, a test…

Bullet Journal for Work

Bullet Journal for Work

Towards the end of last year I started a new job. After months of developing my bullet journal skills for my personal life, I couldn’t imagine trying to switch back to a regular day planner for work. Being the newbie, I was hesitant to ask for a Leuchtturm1917 right off the bat, so I decided to just bite the bullet (lol, bujo puns) and buy one out of my own pocket. I took it as an investment because I knew I would be able to keep track of all the new things I had to learn going in, making me…

1 Year of Bullet Journaling

1 Year of Bullet Journaling

The start of March marks my 1 year anniversary with my bullet journal. While I’ve been using a planner in some capacity for over half my life, I always struggled to make each planning system work just right for me. Bullet Journaling was a whole new ball game. I took a risk, spending $20 on a Leuchtturm1917 A5 Dotted Hardcover notebook, which really wasn’t any more or less than I would have spent on a regular planner, and decided to give this interesting system a try. I’ll be honest, the first few weeks I used it I wasn’t sure it…


Bullet Journal – Reading List

All my life my love of books has helped define me. As a kid I was more likely to have my nose in a book than sitting in front of the tv. In high school I checked out what felt like half the books in the fiction section. I love a good story, the feel of pages in my hands, getting so immersed in what I’m reading that I lose track of where I am and how much time has passed. All that, and yet looking back, I maybe read a handful of books in all of 2016. What happened?…


Bullet Journal – October to November

A new video walk-through of my bullet journal! I’ve been playing with my camera and editing programs for a while trying to get a video out. It’s been a whole new learning curve for me. I know I have room for improvement, but you are never perfect when you first start learning, right? Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little look at my bullet journal. I go into a little more detail on what did and didn’t work for me in October below. October was the first month I used this layout and I love it. I see myself using…

Creative Classes

Creative Classes

Whether you are interested in trying something new or looking to take a hobby to the next level, taking a class is often the best way to jump-start your learning process.  But finding creative classes can be a challenge and sometimes it feels like there is no one around that shares your interests. Believe me, I’ve been there. I’ve lived in both small towns and large cities and though it can feel like you are on your own in your pursuits, you may have more options than you realize. Since I know the struggle, I thought I’d share some of…

Bullet Journal Entry Ideas

Bullet Journal Entry Ideas

Bullet Journaling is great because it gives you the flexibility to truly make your planner your own. So many things can be added to a journal other than your standard daily task tracking entries. Because there are so many options, I’ve put together a list of ideas that I either already have in my journal or am interested in adding. Is there something here that you are interested in trying out in your bullet journal? Do you have any ideas that you would add to this list? I’d love to know!

Lessons from the Pumpkin Patch

Lessons from the Pumpkin Patch

Going to a pumpkin patch for the first time? There’s a lot the internet doesn’t tell you! While I’ve always been excited to see posts of people’s pumpkin picking adventures, I’ve never actually made it to a pumpkin patch myself. It just never seemed an activity to do when the temperatures were in the high 90’s well through October, as they tend to be where I grew up. Instead I’d pick my pumpkins in air-conditioned supermarkets. But with The Pumpkin Patch only a short drive from my new home and temperatures definitely feeling like fall, how could I not go…


Shopping when Petite

I spent a lot of time last month searching for the perfect raincoat since I knew I was unprepared for the rainy days ahead. All I had was a black anorak from Target that was a size too small and, while it said water-resistant on the tag, got soaked through pretty quick. But shopping for petite sizes is really tough. I still don’t understand why so few styles are made in petite sizes when the average American woman is 5’4″.  That has to mean there’s a bunch of us under the 5’3″ that is the cutoff for petite sizing, right?…

Budgeting Bloggers Q3 2016

Budgeting Bloggers Q3 2016

I admit it, I spent way too much this quarter. As far as budgeting bloggers is concerned, I threw my budget into the wind, decided it didn’t exist, and did whatever I wanted. Not good for my wallet, but also not the worst thing ever. Let me explain: Before I left my job earlier this year, I set aside quite a bit of money. I put together an emergency fund that should sustain me for about 6 months if everything in my life falls apart. That’s not getting touched. I also put aside some spending money. I knew life was going to be…

Portland Bucket List

Portland Bucket List

Portland is an awesome place to live, and I recently sat down with my bullet journal and wrote out a list of 30 things to do in Portland. My goal is to do these things within the first year of living here. I totally expect to find new things to add to the list over time, but this is not a bad place to start. In fact, I’ve actually checked some things off my list already, and will try to update this as I finish more. go to a timbers game ♥ go to a concert at the oregon zoo ♥ visit…

Falling for Fall

Falling for Fall

I know we have a few days left until autumn is truly here, but it sure feels like summer just called it quits here in Portland. A rainy weekend and a forecast that shows cloudy skies and cooler weather have me ready to snuggle up and fully embrace this fall thing. Now, maybe the weather isn’t the most exciting thing to talk about, but remember that I grew up in the desert. There are really only two seasons in the desert: hot and grab a jacket. If you look outside the window from your climate controlled house, you usually can’t tell…


Bullet Journal Supplies (& Product Reviews)

  After half a year of bullet journaling, I’ve really started to hit my stride with what works for me and what doesn’t. I’m still experimenting and perfecting my entries each day, but that is something that will continue on forever. That’s the beauty of bullet journaling: you are not confined and it is up to you to adapt your journal to your needs. Now, ever since I started my second instagram account, @plananotherday, which is dedicated to sharing my journal progress, I’ve gotten many questions about what supplies I use.  In the photo above, you can see everything I…


Whole30 Wrap-Up

At the end of June I made the decision to start the Whole30, a challenge that I knew wasn’t to be taken lightly. Whole30 is a temporary exclusion diet meant to reset your system by removing any foods that have the potential to cause inflammation or any other negative effects, so that when you reintroduce those foods you have a better understanding of what your body doesn’t agree with. I’ll be honest, my motivation wasn’t so much about figuring out what wasn’t agreeing with me as it was doing a sugar-reset. I had been in the habit of eating lots…


Budgeting Bloggers Q2 2016

With June being over, we are officially over half way through the year. It’s a great time to reassess plans and budgets that were made (or make new ones!), since things change over the course of a year. I’ll be honest, I didn’t really set myself a strict budget for anything this year. We’ve been pretty lax to being particular about our spending, especially with a big move and so many changes taking place. But now that we are pretty settled into our routine, we’ve reassessed our finances, and are re-establishing a budget. Moving forward I’ll have $100 to spend each month…